I am passionate about helping companies understand and address their climate and biodiversity impacts and risks.

James Higham James Higham

Senior Manager, Nordic Climate & Nature Lead, Climate Change and Sustainability Services

Carbon Manager with a background in architecture and biochemistry. Focused on helping Nordic clients across sectors achieve net zero emissions and net positive biodiversity impacts.

James currently leads the Nature and Climate Service offerings within the Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS), for EY Nordics. He is a specialist in climate change and nature strategy, and helps companies transform their business to achieve net zero emissions and nature positivity.

At EY, James has previously led teams tackling sustainability challenges for companies across a broad range of industries — such as renewables, oil and gas, aquaculture, manufacturing, mining, professional services and transport— on topics ranging from green strategy to reporting and assurance.

James previously worked at Scatec as Senior Environmental Advisor, leading the company’s climate, biodiversity and circular economy efforts. He has also served as a researcher at the climate nonprofit ZERO.

James has a multidisciplinary educational background which includes experience in architectural design, a BSc in Biology with Honors in Biochemistry and an MSc in Carbon Management from the University of Edinburgh.

How James is building a better working world

"For me, building a better world is about helping companies grow and thrive while making the right choices to reduce their climate and nature footprints. I have worked toward this by helping companies measure, report and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity impacts.

To ensure quality sustainability reporting, I have developed materiality analyses and led assurance of reporting according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol and national biofuel standards.

As part of helping organizations make informed choices, I have carried out ESG due diligence, developed responsible investment tools, and authored reports on climate and sustainability topics for government and private sector institutions."

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