Corporate responsibility

Our approach to sustainability is centered around EY’s purpose of building a better working world. Get insights into our ambitions, targets and policies.

Annual Report 2023/2024

Our long-term commitments include reducing emissions, increasing diversity, equity and inclusiveness in the workforce, and contributing to prosperity in the communities we operate in.

We organize our approach to sustainability around four pillars:

High-level ambition

Become the most trusted professional services firm

2025 targets and focus areas

Code of Conduct and independence training: 100%

Code of Conduct and independence confirmation: 100%

Supplier Code of Conduct coverage: 100%

Action towards 2025

Require annual training and confirmation from all EY people

Continue to strengthen our focus on Danish supply chain in cooperation with EY Global Supply Chain Services

Progress FY24

Code of Conduct training/confirmation: 100%/100%

Independence training/confirmation: 100%/100%

Followed up on Human Rights due diligence
Continue to monitor supplier ESG compliance

The insights and quality services EY delivers help build trust and confidence in businesses and the capital markets. We serve the public interest by delivering high-quality, analytics-driven audits based on independence, integrity, objectivity and professional skepticism.

The EY approach to business ethics and integrity is contained in the EY Global Code of Conduct and other policies. Our Code of Conduct provides a clear set of standards that guide our actions and business conduct.

EY strives to adhere to the highest ethical standards, including in relation to protecting human rights, upholding international labor standards, protecting the environment, and opposing bribery and corruption in all its forms.

We anchor anti-corruption measures across EY, and partners and employees are required to complete regular training, we help clients strengthen their integrity and compliance frameworks and cooperate with external networks and groups in the fight against corruption.

We are committed to integrating the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Ten Principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into EY strategy, culture and operations.

Our expectations concerning environment, human rights and social conditions extends to our suppliers who need to verify their adherence and standards according to our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Our Transparency report disclose our internal control systems, ethical values, how we execute our audits, quality routines and independence. Download

16.5 “Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms”

EY is committed to fighting corruption in all its forms and has implemented a global policy against bribery and corruption. We embed anti-corruption measures throughout EY, and all employees are required to complete annual training on this matter. An unwavering commitment to combating corruption is also built into the services we offer clients. The insights and quality services we deliver at EY help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and economies, and we help companies manage their anti-bribery and anti-corruption programs. To raise awareness of the fight against corruption, we also collaborate with external networks and groups.

Icon - target 16.5 - substantialy reduce corruption and bribery

Footsteps on the beach. Tropical climate.

Our latest thinking

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19 Apr 2021 Anne Sawyer

How to broaden access to future-focused skills

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12 Dec 2022 Anne Sawyer

How digital collaborations can help close the learning poverty gap

Digital tools and capabilities in the hands of teachers in low-income countries help to empower and support future leaders.

24 Jan 2023 Anne Sawyer + 1

How to inspire the next generation of women in STEM

Using gamified learning and content from world-renowned providers, the EY STEM App opens up a world of possibilities for girls. Learn more.

30 Jan 2023

How business and Gen Z can work together to tackle climate change

EY teams are facilitating life-long learning on climate change and connecting the voices of Gen Z with business. Discover more.

30 Jan 2023

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