Consumer products companies can develop a strategic advantage and drive future growth by enhancing brand integrity, mitigating fraud risks and instituting robust compliance frameworks.

Anurag Kashyap

EY Global Consumer Products, Forensic & Integrity Services Leader

Global CPR sector Leader. Helps clients mitigate fraud risks. Provides anti-counterfeiting solutions with Integrity at the forefront.

Anurag is a Partner with EY India and the EY Global Sector Leader for Consumer Products, including Retail and Agriculture. He has 20 years of professional experience in corporate investigations, consulting and the industry.  He is an expert in helping clients uncover issues around sales and distribution, supply chain leakage, counterfeiting, asset misappropriation and institute anti-bribery and anti-corruption compliance frameworks. He is experienced in sectors such as consumer markets, liquor, pharmaceuticals, automobile, cement and oil and gas.

He holds an MBA from the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad and a BE in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

How Anurag is building a better working world

“The consumer products sector is disrupted by innovative technologies and interactive digital experiences. With discerning customers, complex supply chains and new marketplaces, there is a pressing need for companies to protect against the increased risk exposure.

In my role, I help brands investigate alleged fraud and misconduct, set up internal controls, including anti-counterfeiting and brand protection, standardize processes, and institute compliance frameworks for enhanced governance.”

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