Megan Wilson

EY Oceania Market Segment Leader, Built Environment & Resources | Sustainability Disclosure Hub Co-lead | Partner, Assurance, Ernst & Young, Australia

Actively promotes diversity and inclusiveness. Collaborative. Communicator.

Megan Wilson is a senior partner and has more than 25 years’ experience with multinational companies both in Australia and overseas.

Megan’s audit experience focuses on large ASX companies in the Built Environment and Resources Segment. Megan has significant experience in dealing with complex accounting matters, including large transactions, acquisitions, demergers, debt raising, and goodwill impairment both in Australia and overseas.

She is also the co-lead of the EY Sustainability Disclosure Hub, and was appointed as a member of the Transition Implementation Group for IFRS S1 and S2, which advises on the application of the IFRS Sustainability Standards. Through these roles, she plays an important role in helping clients understand the shift in reporting and building specialist capability that bridges the sustainability and finance worlds.

Megan has served as EY Oceania US Capital Market leader as well as EY Oceania Real Estate Assurance leader. Megan is currently EY Oceania Service Line Market Segment leader – Built Environment and Resources.

How Megan is building a better working world

Actively involved in diversity and inclusiveness initiatives and is a mentor to many of our future female leaders.

Contact Megan