What is your challenge?
Only 5% of all US patents get commercialized. Our commercialization success rate is 95%. How? Because we don’t innovate in silos. We mobilize our capabilities to turn ideas into innovations and bring concepts to life.
Be it creating products, entering adjacent markets, or using data to improve the customer experience and ensure investments pay off, we help make it happen at a rapid pace. Right here within our 66,000-square-foot, uniquely synergistic production space. A space that’s powered by Vertical Innovation®, EY Wavespace™ and our ecosystem of tech, business and value chain collaborators. Rooted in a combined 150-year track record of product development and the vast EY global braintrust. And equipped with the software, hardware and insights needed to identify, design, engineer, prototype, probe, test, enhance and scale whatever it is you should innovate next.
Learn how we're igniting growth at the EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub: