Francisco Alvarez Del Campo Francisco Alvarez Del Campo

Former EY LATAM North Leader

Passionate about technology.

Francisco (Paco) is Former EY LATAM North Leader. He joined EY in 1978 and in 1989 he was appointed partner.

In 2006, he was appointed Managing Director of Audit for Mexico and Central America, a post he held until 2012. He has been a member of the Steering Committee for seven years and is also a member of the International Practice Group. He was a member of the Professional Ethics Oversight Board of the Americas and a partner in charge of Quality and Risk Management for Mexico and Central America. He has been a coordinating partner of several global projects of Mexican clients with a global presence.

Francisco has a degree in Public Accounting from the Universidad Iberoamericana. He is currently a member of the Public Accountants Association of Mexico and a member of the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants.

How Francisco is building a better working world 

“I am helping to build a better working world by sharing my insights about technology, disruption, telecommunications and digital with as many people as possible. I do this by participating in a wide range of events where I connect with clients. Additionally, serving as the LATAM North Regional Managing Partner allows me to help EY increase presence in the market facing challenges such as globalization, financial crises, greater regulations, among others.”

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