Climate and decarbonization

The EY climate and decarbonization services help businesses respond to the physical and transition risks associated with climate change, as well as advise on how to operate in new markets and regulatory environments related to carbon and renewable energy.

What EY can do for you

The decarbonization imperative for business is accelerating. Organizations should actively respond to the possible physical and transition risks and opportunities of climate change. In doing so, they can limit exposure to climate-related risk and position themselves more favorably respond to associated opportunities. As pressure from a range of stakeholders focuses attention on these issues, they are increasingly being driven up the boardroom and executive agenda.

For directors and business leaders, climate risks and opportunities can be more than a reporting or disclosure matter. At a time when political will and global public opinion are focused on profound climate action, climate risks and opportunities should be front and center for organizations as they plan their future growth strategies.

EY teams can help organizations on their decarbonization journey as they seek to:

  • Identify potential climate risks and opportunities
  • Develop and implement climate strategy
  • Communicate performance with stakeholders

This can include assisting with:

  • Carbon footprinting
  • Climate risk and opportunity assessments, both qualitative and quantitative
  • Climate change scenario analysis and stress testing
  • Quantifying financial consequences of climate risks
  • Corporate and climate change strategy advice
  • Portfolio optimization advice at the business unit or whole-of-business level
  • Embedding a shadow carbon price into Capex and Opex decisions
  • Supply chain decarbonization advice
  • Marginal abatement cost curves
  • Disclosure preparation advice
  • Assurance (over data and disclosures)
  • Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report preparation

In addition, EY teams can assist with:

  • Green bond advisory and assurance
  • Greenhouse gas and energy audits
  • Climate risk and vulnerability assessments, including asset impact and impairment modeling
  • Investment and debt portfolio risk and opportunity assessments
  • Climate change target modeling and setting
  • Renewable energy strategies and feasibility analysis
  • Energy management, modeling and audits
  • Assessing the life cycle of products and services
  • Adaptation strategies and processes
  • Advice on policy and program development and implementation

EY teams bring together professionals with experience in engineering, science, business, finance and operations, coupled with a deep understanding of specific policy and regulatory requirements.

The transition to a decarbonized future is critical for the long-term resilience of organizations, the economy and the planet as a whole. Wherever an organization is on the decarbonization journey process, EY teams can support them.

Our latest thinking

Why climate change creates a need for better nonfinancial disclosures

There is an urgent need for the audit of the future to provide a better assessment of the climate risks faced by businesses. Learn more.

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