Health systems and providers across the world who do not leverage innovation or experience will consequently continue to waste large amounts of resources.

Gary Howe Gary Howe

EY Global Solution Leader, Health Performance Optimization

Accomplished health leader. Passionate about the pursuit of excellence in health services provision. Recognized innovator. Frustrated sportsman. Work in progress.

Gary is EY Global Solution Leader for Health Performance Optimization.

He has worked in health care consulting for over 24 years, with a strong track record across all parts of health care finance, reform, performance improvement and supply chain transformation in both the public and private sectors.

A qualified accountant and statistician, Gary is also well-respected as an innovator and has been responsible for developing many services we have pioneered with EY clients.

He holds a post graduate qualification in Public Finance and Accountancy from CIPFA and a special honors BSc in Probability and Statistics from the University of Sheffield.

How Gary is building a better working world

“In my work with clients, we are constantly learning and innovating to improve access to and delivery of healthcare for our citizens. At EY, we are proud of the work we have provided to date as we continue reaching for our goal: to play a key role in supporting sustainable, high-quality health systems for all.”

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