Alec Hirsch Alec Hirsch

EY Consulting, Data Protection and Privacy Senior Manager

Process driven and security focused. Passionate about what sparks innovation. Risk mitigation through people process and technology. Intellectual property aficionado. Life learner. Father and husband.

A prolific inventor and technology advocate, Alec leads teams of EY risk professionals focused on building and improving upon the processes systems and controls that protect a company's most valuable assets.

Prior to joining EY in 2014, he held a leadership position at a high tech mobile computing and electronics company. In addition to his deep knowledge within the tech sector, he has experience working across industries including automotive, aerospace, industrial products, consumer products and mining.

How Alec is building a better working world

“I focus on defining and designing processes, systems and controls that identify, protect and manage intellectual property (IP) throughout the IP lifecycle for EY clients and their partners. Protecting intangible assets begins with identifying what those assets are and where they come from. The most effective IP programs are purpose driven and focus on people, process and technology to accomplish their charter.”

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