Value for individuals, organizations and the society is created at its best when a business succeeds in using all its competencies and experiences, while developing employees from different profiles and backgrounds.

Göran Rosberg

Head of Consulting in Sweden, People Advisory Services in Nordics and Partner, EY Sweden.

Advisor with great interest in organizations and leadership. Passionate about developing individuals in businesses characterized by diversity. Likes classical music and mountain walking.

Areas of focus

Göran heads EY’s Nordic People Advisory Services and is also responsible for Consulting in Sweden. Over the past 25 years, he has worked as a consultant and advisor in several industries, with a prime focus on HR related issues.

Göran graduated as a civil engineer from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and began his career as a business leader in the industry. He is a trained reservist and served in the Swedish Air Force for many years.

How Göran is Bulding a better working world

“I am greatly interested in diversity within organizations. When a business succeeds in using all its competencies and experiences, while developing employees with different profiles and backgrounds, value is created for individuals, organizations and the society in general.”

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