Renewable energy developers and investors are stepping into a brave new world. Developers must work harder and smarter to find the revenue certainty needed to raise finance or monetize their efforts.

Ben Warren

Partner, Renewables Corporate Finance, Ernst & Young LLP

Adviser on procurement, regulatory policy and mergers and acquisitions across the entire energy, waste and water value chains.

Ben is an accomplished Partner at Ernst & Young LLP, with global responsibility for Corporate Finance services provided across the power and utilities sector. Joining EY as a law and accounting graduate in 1997, Ben started in the renewable energy team, which is where his passion lies.

Ben has advised on a large number of high profile and pioneering transactions in the power and utilities sector, with a particular focus on the renewable energy and energy from waste sectors.

Ben is the Chief Editor of EY’s Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI), one of the renewable energy industries' most respected independent publications, and has published a number of articles on renewable energy and environmental finance.

How Ben is building a better working world

Over the past 20 years, Ben has taken a key role in advising organizations on their renewable energy strategy and what part they can play in helping our world have a cleaner future. Ben has driven numerous transformational projects that have led to significant societal and environmental impacts, such as advising the Government of South Africa on their renewable energy program. This resulted in changing mindsets to create substantial new investor appetite at a local and global level, creating thousands of new jobs and shifting of reliance of South Africa’s economy away from coal.

Ben’s latest thinking

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