The digitalization is moving at a high speed and it is important that the legal and ethical aspects are considered already from the beginning and become an integral part of the solutions.

Anna Byström

EY, Sweden, Tech, Media & Telecom, Head of Digital Law and Legal Managed Services in Sweden

Driven by finding simple and sustainable solutions. Equal treatment, freedom of speech, integrity, diversity and sustainability are important to me. Love to spend time with family and friends.

Anna is an EY Partner who first and foremost works with commercial law, digital law, corporate governance and regulatory issues. She is responsible for Digital Law and Legal Managed Services in Sweden and works with both the private and public sectors. A driving force for Anna is to assist businesses transform and digitize its legal operations and procedures, to make sure the lawyers can spend time on strategic work instead.

Anna joined EY in 2019 after having worked as a lawyer and company lawyer in the TMT sector for more than 20 years. She has previously been the chief legal officer and responsible for compliance in a large telecoms company. Anna has also been a board member of several companies. 

Anna has a Master of Law from Uppsala University and Louisiana State University.

How Anna is building a better working world

Finding simple and sustainable digital solutions in various sectors is of vital importance in the future. I want to encourage women, also lawyers, to work with the future technology. Within e.g. AI, there are so many things happen, and it is important that we take into consideration the legal and ethical aspects already from the start. Through my commitment in Women in Tech, I encourage and support women with various competences to contribute to a sustainable future.   

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