Sustainability should be at the core of every digital transformation journey, to create long-term value.

Anja Vanhatalo

Long-term value lead Nordics and Sustainability lead Sweden, Business Development, EY Sweden

Passionate about sustainable value creation. Strongest skill: Inspire and motivate colleagues. Awesome at reading books (meant for kids aged one to three).

Anja started her career in EY 2015 as an internal auditor for financial services companies and a multinational manufacturing company, building deep business insights. As market segment manager for Advanced Manufacturing & Mobility she then gained wide understanding of how EY supports clients across their operations. In her current business development role, Anja is focusing specifically on sustainability and assuring we make use of the full width of competence related to long-term value. 

Anja has a MSc from Stockholm School of Economics and a BSc from Uppsala University. During her studies she spent ten months in East Africa for a field study in Kenya and an internship in Tanzania.

How Anja is building a better working world

I’m a firm believer that sustainability should be at the core of every digital transformation journey, to create long-term value.

It would be a pity if any great circular innovation would fail due to e.g. lack of go-to-market plan, service design created without focus on end-user experience, limited knowledge in product or service taxation, how to apply for public funding, etc. I make sure that these dots are connected so that we are truly the transformative end-to-end business partner, assuring that all areas above, and more, are in place.

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