Technology and automation are becoming the central parts of how companies manage their taxes, reporting and compliance.

Andreas Bråthe

Tax Technology and Transformation Lead and Partner, Tax, EY Sweden

Tax lawyer and certified tax advisor. Leader in the global mobility field and within Tax Technology and Transformation.

Andreas is leading the Tax Technology and Transformation practice at EY. He is a tax lawyer and certified tax advisor in Sweden, working for over 17 years with global mobility and international assignments. He has also been the Head of Immigration in the Nordics with his previous employer.

He has also run his own accounting firm for 15 years that dealt with payroll, VAT and corporate tax questions.

How Andreas is building a better working world

In the areas that I operate, such as global mobility, immigration and technology, I clearly see how we are bringing the world closer together through new ways of working with technology, flexibility and remote work setup. Ensuring these processes are aligned and putting humans at the center are the key aspects I consider for building a better working world.

Andreas Bråthe's latest thinking

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