China accounts for the majority of world production. EY's analysis shows that China accounts for the majority of world production through large parts of the value chain with a particular focus on the production of electric buses, batteries, and battery components, but also for the processing of battery materials and the extraction of graphite. For electric buses and batteries, China accounted for 77% and 82% of global production in 2023, respectively.
European buses are 30-40% more expensive than Chinese ones, and the difference is expected to increase. Today, the demand for electric buses is greater than the production in Europe, but after 2027, the production of electric buses is expected to catch up. Meeting the need for buses for public transport from Europe comes at a cost. Electric buses from Europe have a cost that is 30% higher for regional buses and 40% higher for city buses compared to Chinese buses. This corresponds to 1.6 and 1.7 million SEK (€140.000-150.000) per bus, which would lead to an increased cost of 9.9 billion SEK (€860 million) if the 6,000 electric buses expected to be procured by 2035 were bought from Europe compared to China.
European production of LFP batteries does not meet demand, and dependence on China remains. The batteries mainly used for electric buses, LFP (Lithium iron phosphate), are expected to become more common in the future and account for 30-40% of the battery need in Europe by 2030, corresponding to 320-420 GWh. Despite expansion, European production of LFP is estimated to meet only 3% of the demand by 2030. Europe will therefore continue to be dependent on China, which today accounts for the majority of LFP battery production with 70% of the global market.
LFP batteries from Europe cost 20-30% more than Chinese ones. It is estimated that LFP batteries produced in Europe will cost 20-30% more compared to Chinese ones, which may increase further due to overproduction in China. For a medium-sized bus battery for a regional bus, this corresponds to between 100.000-150.000 SEK (€9.000-13.000) per battery.
The consequences depend on how the European countries act. How the majority of countries choose to handle risks in the value chain for electric buses and batteries plays a crucial role in the market effects. If only Sweden sets procurement requirements in such a way that production in higher-risk countries is effectively excluded, the consequences would likely be cost increases but a supply that can meet the need. If larger parts or all of Europe impose similar requirements, the supply of European buses and batteries will significantly fall short of the need and, in the foreseeable future, lead to long delivery times and ultimately a significant delay in the electrification of public transport.
A special thanks to our co-authors, Johannes Bedoire Fivel & Karin Malmgren