Haley Ison

Director, Assurance, Financial Services, Ernst & Young LLP

Leads audits for real estate and private equity funds. Jersey-born island life lover but with a passion for travelling. Avid F1 follower. Oboist. Amateur dart player.

Haley primarily leads and provides audits in the real estate and private equity sectors. Additionally, she also has clients in banking and fund administration.

She is experienced in transitioning large audits and helping manage multi-location audits, reporting under various accounting standards, including IFRS, US GAAP and UK GAAP.

Haley joined the Jersey office at Ernst & Young LLP in 2008 and qualified with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in 2012. Post qualifying, she completed secondments with the EY organization’s EMEIA Digital Implementation team and EMEIA’s Deal Activation team.

Haley also holds a degree in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University. 

How Haley is building a better working world

Haley believes in the power of mentoring and coaching and is proud to take part in local mentoring schemes such as those run by the Institute of Directors (IoD) and Jersey Finance. She leads EY CI’s learning and development team, helping the assurance teams have access to the right training. Haley is passionate about the diversity and inclusiveness agenda and how cognitive diversity can build high performing teams. 

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