Clients use me as a sounding board. With clear advice and great involvement, I build long-term relationships.

Stephan Lauers

EY Netherlands Partner Strategy and Transactions / Consulting, Board member EY Netherlands

Connects people. Solves. Explains. Creates peace and ensures circumspection under difficult circumstances, providing clarity in complex matters.

Stephan Lauers is a specialist in cross-border transactions for our Dutch multinationals. Very experienced in the fields of strategic alliances, portfolio optimization, financial restructuring of companies.

Trained as a chartered accountant and business economist. After his studies, he joined EY, where he has been working for more than 30 years. He joined the EY Netherlands Board of Directors in 2019.

“Through clear advice and major commitment, I build long-term relationships. With 30 years’ transaction experience, I have experienced a lot, on all continents. Clients use me as a sounding board and rely on my independent advice.”

How Stephan is building a better working world

“Helping customers make the right decisions, with all the consequences being carefully considered in the transaction process. That can be really electrifying! In addition, I work with many young people within our team and have ample opportunity, employing my own experience, to contribute to their growth and development.”

Contact Stephan
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