I advise client on optimizing risk management and implementation of legislation. Treating legislation as guidance, not just a tick-the-box compliance exercise, is crucial for tailored risk frameworks and attracting skilled risk talent.

Michael Schut

EY Netherlands Partner Financial Services

Solution-oriented. Driving. Gets things done for clients. High on content & industry expertise. Loves ESG Risk

Michael Schut advises established financial services firms and FinTech with making sure their risk management frameworks stay in line with market practices and enable the effective management of (emerging) risk types such as credit risk, operational risk, market risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk and ESG risk. He is an active member of EY’s Global Regulatory Network and is leading the Prudential Risk & Regulation competency team in EY Netherlands.

Helps clients interpret, implement and adhere to (new) regulatory requirements and expectations from supervisory bodies such as ECB, SRB & DNB in a cost-effective manner. His team serves business & finance functions within the 1st line to mature end-to-end processes accomodating regulatory compliance and risk management & compliance functions within the 2nd line to mature the risk management framework thereby meeting supervisory expectations.

Michael is a Dutch Chartered Accountant (RA) and studied for his Masters in i) Accounting & Control ii) Economics and iii) (Corporate) Finance at the University of Amsterdam. He is legal savvy and in particular passionate to advise clients on ESG Risk Management & Reporting, thereby leveraging on his extensive network within the global EY organisation.

How Michael is building a better working world

“Major decisions taken within the financial services sector, and in particular banks, have a direct and influential impact on their clients such as non-financial organisations and private individuals. As a member of EY cross-competency teams serving our clients, I help clients to make the right decisions and optimise their operating models from a cost-effectiveness perspective thereby accomodating high quality risk management and regulatory compliance.”

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