Eline Dekker helps financial institutions find answers to all their questions about non-financial risks and ensures that governance, processes, risks and controls are well in hand.
She studied financial management at Tilburg University and obtained her chartered operational auditor (RO) certification at the Amsterdam Business School. Has worked at EY since 2010.
“I enjoy brainstorming with my team. About how we can continue to innovate, or provide the most added value for our clients. By pointing out connections clients weren't aware of, for example. Of course, no one likes to hear that their organization is exposed to certain risks. The trick, then, is to make clients enthusiastic about the necessary changes. How? By emphasizing the benefits and opportunities.”
How Eline is building a better working world
“Early in my career I was focused mainly on my own path. Now I find I get tremendous satisfaction from the development of my team. Like seeing a colleague who's right where they belong and watching them grow. Wonderful. Client concerns and issues fascinate me too. For me, ‘the better the question, the better the answer, the better the world works’ is not just a slogan. That's really how it works. Critical questions inspire clients to look at their organization differently, more closely.”