We need to find sustainable and meaningful ways to meet the expectation gap that exists between what the audit product offers and what society would like from it.

Andrew Hobbs

EY EMEIA Center for Board Matters Leader, EMEIA Public Policy Leader

Public policy leader focusing on talent, technology, corporate governance and corporate reporting. Father of four, cyclist and dabbling homebrewer.

Andrew leads the EY EMEIA Public Policy team, which helps to protect EY’s reputation and licence to operate while supporting EY client teams in the market. A qualified solicitor, Andrew is particularly interested in the role of good governance in both business success and “doing the right thing.”

Andrew works with EY EMEIA Assurance to support boards of directors through initiatives like the Center for Board Matters and EY’s collaboration with Tapestry Networks.

Previously, Andrew focused on Corporate Governance & Public Policy in the UK, where he was a regular speaker on governance, chair of EY’s mid-market independent director network and sponsor and trainer for the FT Non Executive Directors Club.

Andrew earned an LLB honors degree in Law and French from Cardiff University and a Legal Practice diploma from the Centre for Professional Legal Studies.

How Andrew is building a better working world

Having spent many years as a charity trustee, Andrew regularly speaks to charities and social entrepreneurs on the benefits of good governance.

"For me it’s all about focusing on how governance and assurance can adapt to the challenges of the 21st century in a way that properly focuses on the public interest and that contributes to sustainable social and economic prosperity.”

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