EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

Geopolitical relations
This industry is - to an increasing extent - directly affected by geopolitical developments and international conflicts. They are having an impact on larger and larger segments of the chain that cross national borders. This changing dynamic can cause major disruptions in the supply chains and calls for strategic, adaptive decision-making. In this context, it is necessary to simulate various scenarios and calculate the financial consequences. Ringfencing strategies will need to be developed, for example. This will take up more of management’s time and headspace, both of which are in short supply in the boardroom and when it comes to the running of these rapidly growing companies. The relentless flow of new and amended legislation, for example in the field of export controls, also needs to be closely monitored as part of supply chain management. This also has consequences from a global trade and tax perspective. Within our international advisory practice, we are seeing growing demand for immersive crisis simulations to increase awareness (also at board level), in the context of enhancing an organization’s risk management and flexibility. A resilient organization has a comprehensive understanding of how it is run, from board governance to operational processes. Achieving and maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction depend on proper processes and controls - covering matters ranging from complaints handling to clear invoicing - that are carried out consistently. They are also a prerequisite for scaling up in anticipation of further exponential growth, which is particularly relevant given the plans to include provisions relating to the risk management statement in the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. This new statement in the annual report must be signed by directors, forcing them and the company to shoulder more responsibility for financial and social risks. The statement will provide insight into how an organization manages its operational processes and prepares for potential challenges, so that it can achieve its objectives. Demonstrability and due care are key concepts, and can only be properly safeguarded by means of multidisciplinary cooperation within the company.
Digital security in the chain
Stichting CISO Circle of Trust (CCoT) is a foundation that was set up in 2022 by ten major Dutch companies to improve protection against cyber attacks and threats. It cooperates and shares knowledge with the Dutch government and with other organizations in cross-industry chains. The CCoT also aims to make the Netherlands more secure by contributing to the cyber resilience of companies based in the Netherlands.
Unfortunately, cyber risks transcend national borders. Various forms of similar initiatives have been set up at a national level in other European countries. Companies are also busy working on the European NIS2 Directive and other related directives that will provide an overall boost to digital security in Europe. The good news is that the Horizon Europe programme offers various funding possibilities for European consortium projects aimed at reinforcing Europe's digital security borders. Companies operating in the same supply chain would do well to form a consortium to consider the possibilities and apply for funding.