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AIF Club - Exploring the evolution of Infrastructure Assets: A two-part Infrastructure Coffee Chat

Part 2: Revolutionizing infrastructure investments: Industry challenges

Mark your calendars for the second part of our coffee chat series! This session focuses on the broader industry landscape, particularly on challenges infrastructure managers face when repurposing assets. From valuation intricacies to tax implications, we will dissect the multifaceted aspects of this transformation. Join us for a deep dive into solutions and services that can streamline the asset repurposing journey.


  • Nicolas Tinant, EY Luxembourg Audit Services Partner


  • Patricia Gudiño Jonas, EY Luxembourg Partner, Real Estate & Infrastructure, AIF Club Chairwoman
  • Christophe Vandendorpe, EY Luxembourg Partner, Strategy and Transaction Leader

This Webcast “Exploring the evolution of Infrastructure Assets: A two-part Infrastructure Coffee Chat” has been divided in 2 sessions. Should you be interested in the content of Part 1: Unlocking potential: refurbishing and repurposing assets for new objective, click here.

These webcasts are open to AIF Club members or upon invitation.

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Sep 2023



14:00 - 14:30 Your Local Time

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