Technological disruption, changing consumer behaviors and ESG awareness, and the need for sustainable infrastructure, are reshaping the infrastructure industry, including new variables in any investment or project decisions

Nicolas Tinant

Private Equity and Infrastructure Partner

Focused on his clients' developments, while having the right team for the right client. Father of one son and passionate about sports.

Areas of focus

Nicolas is a recognized member of our 300 professional strong Private Equity practice and assumes on-the-field management responsibility for audit services to some of our office’s major Private Equity clients. 

He has more than eight years of experience in the Banking and Private Equity industry. Internally, Nicolas is a member of the private equity methodological expert desk and a regular trainer to the practice. 

Over the last years, he has gained extensive experience on Luxembourg-based PE/VC structures and works for some of our largest clients reporting their financial statements under Lux GAAP and IFRS. He also gained an extensive experience in the fields of alternative assets valuations.

How Nicolas is building a better working world

Having the right team for the right client is absolutely key to face our clients’ challenges of today.

Nicolas is a regular speaker during internal  and external trainings to create high performing teams, while combining each ones’ strengths.

Nicolas's latest thinking

Exploring the evolution of Infrastructure Assets, Part 2

Exploring the evolution of Infrastructure Assets, Part 2

27 Sep 2023 | 14:00 your local time

Exploring the evolution of infrastructure assets part-1 unlock

Exploring the evolution of infrastructure assets part-1 unlock

22 Sep 2023 | 07:30 your local time

Infrastructure: investissements d’ampleur pour une relance économique rapide

Infrastructure: investissements d’ampleur pour une relance économique rapide

10 Jan 2022 Christophe Vandendorpe +1
    Contact Nicolas