EY Women in Technology program

The EY Women in Technology program supports girls and women to enter, remain, thrive and lead in the world of technology.

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We all use technology, but we aren’t all represented equally in tech professions. Globally, women fill fewer than a third of the roles in technologies like cloud computing and data and artificial intelligence, and their share isn’t growing.1

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, women were less likely than men to enter the tech industry and were leaving it at twice the rate of men.2 During the pandemic, widespread uptake of emerging technologies — such as those enabling remote work and cloud computing — led to a hiring spree for tech professions. However, women, who are under-represented in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workforce, benefitted less than men.3

A missed opportunity for the tech industry, businesses at large and our whole society

Gender equality is critical for our future. It is inherent in the vision of solving today’s most complex issues which makes creating a diverse tech workforce an economic and social necessity. When women have economic, political, and social equality, economies grow and businesses perform better. Investments in sustainability, healthcare and education rise.

By nurturing and supporting women as leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators, and by educating women and girls to reach their potential, we can accelerate the pace of change, improving the lives of individuals and communities through better economic opportunities. The pull through from these opportunities improves the lives of everyone.

But most companies are not acting on this opportunity yet. More than a quarter of technology transformation leaders believe that insufficient progress in creating a diverse and inclusive workforce is a significant challenge, according to EY’s Tech Horizon survey.

How our initiatives support women in technology

The EY Women in Technology program is an inclusive initiative that supports girls and women to enter, remain, thrive and lead in the world of technology. We welcome all genders to take action in advancing this important undertaking. Explore our four workstreams and get in touch to learn more or be involved.

  • Educate: supporting the next generation of girls and women to enter tech careers

    Advancing girls’ skills and interest in STEM is vital to closing the gender gap and helping them to realize their full potential as leaders in a world increasingly enabled by technology. Our education initiatives include:

    • The EY STEM App – this innovative app offers gamified content focused on science and technology, and includes inspirational stories of women in STEM. Following a successful pilot program, it is now being rolled out to 100,000 girls aged 13-18 worldwide. Read the press release or the case study to learn more.
    • Global EQUALS partnership – a public-private sector effort to eliminate gender bias in technology. The EY organization is co-leading the HER DIGITAL SKILLS program with GSMA, W4 and the United Nation’s International Telecommunication Unit (ITU). By 2026, the program aims to give one million women and girls free access to gender transformative digital skills training.
  • Incubate: nurturing women in technology – within the EY organization and beyond

    We cannot be what we cannot see. We need to put the spotlight on successful women in technology and create a sense of belonging to educate, inspire and encourage women within technology-related roles - at EY and beyond.

    • In the spotlight: We’re showcasing insights from inspiring women who made their career in technology and explore the experiences and choices they’ve made on their journey. These insights could help shape the next step in your personal technology career.
    • Local Women in Technology communities: Likeminded groups of EY professionals are working jointly with clients and alliance partners to advance gender equality in tech, build their skills and grow their professional networks in the tech field.
    • Supporting women at all stages of their careers: The EY organization is committed to nurture female talent with a variety of different programs such as the Devi program4, which is preparing female talent to reach the next level of their careers via a case study-focused learning approach. In small groups, participants study and discuss case studies relevant for their career development to learn for future challenges. We also run specific programs that help women re-enter the working world after longer career breaks, such as the Re-instate program in India. To continuously educate and advance our employees in technology, the EY Tech MBA is available across the globe, across all ranks.
  • Innovate: accelerating gender parity by supporting female tech entrepreneurs

    The EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women™ program identifies ambitious women entrepreneurs and provides them with advice, resources and access to unlock their full potential. 

  • Advocate: empowering women to find supporters for their careers

    “Be bold and celebrate it” is part of our approach to promoting women in technology and their careers. We encourage our employees to advocate for individual accomplishments and for other women in the tech community. This will grow personal confidence and help create a positive, reinforcing atmosphere for self-promotion. Our aim is to build a culture of celebrating success.

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