EY Nexus for Insurance

EY Nexus is a cloud-native platform offering access to the most advanced technologies in insurance. With EY Nexus, insurers can launch new products, new business models and even entirely new brands in 12 months or less.

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How curating ecosystems enables self-disruption

Nationwide Insurance required a new brand and a new technology platform to access a customer segment that may otherwise have been unobtainable.

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Should established companies fear disruptors, or partner with them?

When Nationwide’s Innovation team wanted to rapidly launch new products, they were constrained by legacy systems – and turned to EY to help.

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The better the question The better the answer The better the world works
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Leveraging EY Nexus to enable innovation at speed

EY Nexus allowed Nationwide to rapidly set up and scale an innovative new company, Spire, via a curated ecosystem of partners.

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The better the question The better the answer The better the world works
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Integrating ecosystems to enable rapid innovation at scale

Integrating ecosystems via curated platforms like EY Nexus could change not just insurance, but every industry.

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What EY can do for you

Imagine satisfying ever-rising customer expectations for fully personalized offerings and rich digital experiences, staying ahead of rapid technology advancements, and having the technological agility to react quickly to unexpected, highly-disruptive events. Now, more than ever, insurers need to be digital, agile and automated. With EY Nexus, it is possible.

Think bigger, go faster and execute better with EY Nexus

EY Nexus is a cloud-native platform designed to help accelerate innovation, optimization and transformation of insurance. It offers access to the most advanced technologies in the insurance industry. By eliminating technology complexity and organizational barriers to change, EY Nexus helps free insurers to make their biggest and best innovation ideas operational realities – in a faster, more scalable manner and with less risk than ever before.

At the heart of EY Nexus is a curated ecosystem of innovative technology and software providers to help insurers create their own platforms and launch agile operations. EY teams have evaluated, engaged and continuously monitored more than 650 of the strongest InsurTech players across the value chain. That means insurers can leverage EY Nexus to innovate and optimize all functions across the business – from underwriting and product design, to marketing and distribution, to policy administration and billing, to claims and customer service.

What insurers can do with EY Nexus:

  • Launch new products faster: accelerate product design, release product updates quickly to stay fresh and relevant in the market
  • Reposition with new companies and brands: innovate and drive growth with new offerings and value propositions
  • Replace, optimize and extend core operations systems: modernize legacy systems to digitize processes, support future innovation and access new tools
  • Strengthen agent and customer engagement: create highly personalized, intuitive and efficient experiences

EY Nexus for Insurance

Learn more about how EY Nexus can help insurers think bigger, go faster and execute better.

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