A step by step guide to background checks

Seamless onboarding: a step-by-step guide to employee background checks

With increased emphasis on employee background verification, candidates must fully acquaint themselves with pre-employment checks process.

In brief

  • Every prospective employer looks for honesty and integrity as the core values while hiring.
  • Background checks identify discrepancies or concerns in documents and assertions presented to support job application.
  • Instead of being daunted, candidates can leverage it to gain a competitive edge in the job market.

In today's highly competitive job market, performing exceptionally well in interviews and landing that coveted position is only the first step. To secure the position, you must undergo a comprehensive background check—something that companies are increasingly prioritizing to maintain the integrity of their hiring process. Employing technology-driven background screening, these checks identify any discrepancies or concerns in the documents and assertions presented during the application process. The results of this screening substantially influence the path to your onboarding. Rather than viewing the background verification process as daunting, candidates, whether entering the workforce for the first time or seasoned professionals, can leverage it to gain a competitive edge in the job market by proactively aligning with the verification requirements.

Employee background checks 101

To prevent employment fraud and find candidates who fit their company values, organizations should implement a process to check documentation, employment history, qualifications, and criminal records. Organizations devise background verification processes taking into consideration their unique needs, but every prospective employer looks for honesty and integrity as the core values while hiring. Here are some checks that you may undergo during onboarding, and how to tackle them:

Resume verification

This may come as a surprise, but background verification starts right from the moment you apply for a job. As a part of this pre-employment background check, employers screen CVs to check for red flags in the form of embellishment, unexplained gaps in employment history, and mismatched educational qualifications. As this is the primary step in achieving your dream job, it is crucial to include accurate details on your resume that the company can corroborate with your existing records. Doing this will help you make a great first impression on recruiters and enable them to make the right assessment of your skills and experience to see if it matches the job profile they are hiring for. 

Employment verification

Companies value experienced candidates for jobs that demand professional acumen and a desired skillset. Your past employment history bears testament to your expertise in the field and proficiency at handling a role. Employers check for fabricated dates of employment, or the seniority of the position held to ensure the candidate they are hiring can meet the demands of the position. If the job is acquired by misrepresenting factual details, there will be a mismatch of expectations leading to termination of employment or adding to the attrition levels of the organization. You can avoid this by maintaining a record of past employment through appointment and relieving letters that mention the exact tenure of employment. Presenting these documents to a prospective employer will reassure them about their decision to hire you. 

Reference checks

The tenure of employment may provide insight into the employment journey, but a prospective employer will need to assess your performance and behavior at the workplace through Reference checks to ensure you will be the right fit for their organization. To get apt recommendations, it is important to provide valid contact details of seniors in the organizations where you were employed, along with a few peers who can attest to your contribution as a team player. It is a good practice to inform your ex-colleagues before putting them down as a reference so that they can decide if they want to be part of the process, and then present a well-rounded assessment of your performance. 

Educational qualification verification

Like employment history, the educational qualifications of a candidate help determine if they will be an ideal choice for a specific position. Embellishing facts or tampering certificates to paint a favorable picture to land the job can result in dire consequences. You should keep a detailed record of all your achievements, certifications, degrees, and diplomas. This will help the employer understand your capabilities and suitability for the available profile. 

Criminal record screening

Certain employers conduct a criminal record check to ascertain the candidate they are hiring doesn’t have a criminal background, especially if the position they are hiring for is highly sensitive and can come under scrutiny. However, if you have an ongoing criminal offense case against you, it is not the end of the road. By disclosing the details of the case, you can help the employer make an informed decision about hiring you. It will also convey your intention to be honest about the past and commitment toward a reformed future. 

Employee background verification checklist

Honesty is the best policy

Employers reward honesty. Be upfront about employment gaps, repeated years during the educational journey, personal setbacks, and criminal history, with employers.

Draft a concise and precise resume

Your resume is your first interaction with an employer and should provide pertinent details with exact dates.

Maintain documents diligently

Back your claims with valid documentation with the dates of tenures clearly mentioned. Since digital onboarding is the way forward, scan all your documents beforehand.

Do not make tall claims

During the interview, present a clear picture of your capabilities that can be backed by your employment history and reference checks.

Be prompt

As soon as the background verification process is initiated, acquaint yourself with the steps that need to be taken and submit your documents. Track the verification process and provide immediate resolution if any discrepancy is highlighted


Organizations conduct background checks to verify candidates' employment history, education, and criminal records, ensuring they hire honest employees who align with their company values. Job applicants can follow this guide to prepare themselves for a seamless onboarding experience by proactively ensuring they meet the requirements of standard background check protocols.

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