EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
For the past two decades, IT teams have relied on Application Performance Management (APM) as the primary tool to monitor and troubleshoot applications and their networks. APM provides users with dashboards and alerts to troubleshoot an application’s performance in production. These insights are based on known or expected system failures, typically related to SRE golden signals, and provide engineers with alerts when pre-defined issues arise. But what about problems that develop unexpectedly? Today's software environments are increasingly distributed, with teams spread out geographically, creating, deploying, and maintaining programs.
Observability driven development
Observability-driven development (ODD) is an approach that integrates observability best practices into the early stages of the software development lifecycle. In microservices, observability exposes the health of the production system, enabling developers to detect and fix performance issues. Microservices observability also provides visibility and real-time user monitoring to optimize application performance and availability.
Observability in software engineering plays a crucial role in proactively monitoring security. Data streams from various stages of development can be used to detect unusual activity and trigger actions to mitigate or block the impact of a security issue. Even if the workload is on the main platform and starts causing problems, observability can be used to initiate actions that limit or shut down the workload, replacing it with a known working variant if necessary. Engineers in upstream DevOps will also find observability valuable for overseeing outputs across different microservices and virtual containers to ensure these environments are ready for production as they progress through the DevOps line.