Business reinvention consulting services

In Consulting

EY Business reinvention consulting services help businesses to reimagine, innovate and mobilize new business and operating models by leveraging digital, technology and data while aligning stakeholders with a common purpose to drive long-term value.

Your business challenge

Megatrends such as urbanization, digitalization and sustainability affect businesses across all industries and in all markets, with disruption arising anytime, anywhere. Organizations can no longer rely on the past to forecast the future with certainty — doing nothing means you risk irrelevance. While change and disruption can yield both threats and opportunities, organizations are asking the following questions:

  • How do we articulate a compelling purpose and vision for the future in an uncertain world?
  • How can we innovate our business model, products and services faster?
  • How can we overcome un-scalable technology and keep up with ever-changing customer expectations?
  • How do we use disruption as a competitive advantage, so it boosts instead of diminishes our market share and revenues?
  • How do we create long-term, sustainable value to benefit all our stakeholders?

Solution benefits

Business Reinvention helps you to identify and implement a significant shift in what you do and how you do it to deliver long-term value across four dimensions: customer, people, societal and financial. Solution benefits include:

  • Reduced time-to-impact allowing you to demonstrate real, measurable change for the benefit of all stakeholders
  • A structured and iterative approach that allows you to create and protect value for the long-term while maintaining flexibility and adaptability

Solution features & functionality

Business reinvention is an iterative approach. Things change. Fast. With every iteration we deliver, and we learn. We adapt. We add. We push on, ensuring in every loop that we are moving in the right direction and spending our time and effort on the things that matter most.

  • Define your future

    You can no longer imagine the future by looking at the past. EY teams can help you determine what type of futures you could create by challenging what you currently do and how you do it.

    • Transformation Realized Experience (TREx)
    • Future-back visioning
    • Purpose definition
  • Design the transformation

    With a clear view of the future you want, EY teams can help you work backward to determine how to get there.

    • Operating model design
    • Transformation lab design and build
    • Business model design
    • Process factory run
  • Provide results

    Business Reinvention mobilizes the organization using creativity, ideation and prototyping. EY teams can help you develop a more experimental mindset and processes to innovate and stay on track to measure results.

    • Vendor selection
    • Transformation office management
    • Business and benefits case development
    • Portfolio management
    • People engagement

Why EY

EY teams have built an ecosystem with the critical skills needed to help you rapidly innovate and digitally transform with minimal risk. We understand how the pieces of transformation fit together to help you achieve sustainable change in your organization.

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