Jorge Gallardo

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Class of 2023, Spain

President of Vithas

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Jorge Gallardo is prioritizing quality of service and the patient experience within Spain’s second largest private hospital group.

Determined to make a positive impact on society, Jorge Gallardo saw an opportunity to revolutionize healthcare. As President of Vithas, he is a pioneer in the Spanish private hospital sector, after having played a major role in the fight against COVID-19. 

The Gallardo Family Group has a long history in the pharmaceutical industry, and Jorge built on his family’s entrepreneurial spirit to pursue his dream of a new type of healthcare, one that prioritizes service quality and the patient experience. He spent several years searching for the right hospital to use as the foundation for growth and innovation in the field; after some setbacks, he established Vithas in 2011.

Jorge has since grown the company into Spain’s second largest private hospital group. Over a decade, Vithas doubled the number of beds, tripled the number of quality jobs created and quadrupled the number of patients within its care. Today, Vithas employs 12,700 professionals across 20 hospitals and 36 medical and healthcare centers in 13 provinces. It also has delivered on Jorge’s foundational vision, achieving an industry record-high net promoter score of 61 in 2022.  

The pandemic put Jorge to the test: he had to promote continuous care for the more than 12,000 patients treated in the first six weeks of the healthcare emergency. But with his purpose in sight and strong determination, Vithas is supporting more expansion and innovation projects than ever before. 

Being passionate and having a strong team have allowed me to achieve my ambitions.
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