Andres Mujica

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Class of 2023, Peru

Shareholder and CEO of Norsur

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Andres Mujica is nurturing his fruit-export business by focusing on quality.

Andres Mujica, shareholder and CEO of Norsur, is revolutionizing the fruit industry by growing flavorful fruits from orchards located in optimal climate conditions. Through agriculture, Andres sees an opportunity to support the whole of his country by providing work opportunities outside the capital of Lima.  

Andres oversees three farming operations — blueberries, grapes and citrus — where he focuses not only on farming but on packing, exporting and marketing. Norsur also markets third-party growers and exports to clients in 38 countries. 

Andres says there is a pressing need to start thinking of sustainable businesses with a primary objective beyond profit. He believes that businesses and entrepreneurs have a responsibility for their stakeholders and the surrounding community, so he invests heavily in social programs. For example, an avocado-focused program helps local farmers improve their agricultural practices and exports by offering access to Norsur’s technical knowledge, along with packing, commercial and marketing capabilities.  

A unified industry and community provide more opportunities to everybody, which in turn will make you stronger. Andres Mujica
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