Eddy Tang

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Class of 2022, Hong Kong/Macau
Eddy Tang, Founder, Chairman and CEO of EC Healthcare

With his father in mind, Eddy devoted himself to improving access to patient care in Hong Kong.

Eddy Tang’s resilience and perseverance transformed a family tragedy into Hong Kong’s largest non-hospital medical provider. Eddy, the second of three children, was just 13 years old when his father suffered a stroke and needed hospital care. His absence had a profound impact on the family’s financial situation and sparked Eddy’s dream of becoming a doctor to both cure his dad and support his family. 

Eddy went on to medical school but was later forced to drop out due to financial pressures. After a detour in marketing and sales, he resumed his mission to address the gaps in the private health care market. In 2005, Eddy founded EC Healthcare, with the express mission to be the leading, client-centric medical health care service provider in Asia. Today, EC Healthcare has more than 2400 employees, operates in 29 disciplines with 251 full-time registered medical doctors and manages 147 clinics, 16 of which are in Mainland China. Since the company’s listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2016, its market capitalization has grown by more than 300%. 

Eddy believes entrepreneurs have a strong social responsibility, and he is committed to reinvesting in patient care and the community. Each year, at least 1% of EC Healthcare’s net profit is used to support charitable causes, and the company has offered more than 10,000 free pre-vaccination health assessments to the public in 2021 to increase community vaccination rates. A relentless dreamer, Eddy never gave up and continues his work through a belief that “health care should be an equal service to all.”

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