Tapestry Networks Tapestry Networks

An independent firm

Convening leadership forums in financial services. Based in Waltham, Massachusetts, US.

With EY’s support, Tapestry Networks, an independent firm, convenes leadership network forums in banking and capital markets (the Bank Governance Leadership Network), insurance (the Insurance Governance Leadership Network), and audit committee chairs (Audit Committee Leadership Networks). Participants in the banking and insurance networks address key issues facing large, complex financial institutions. Non-executive directors, senior executives, regulators, fintech executives and other financial services leaders engage in private roundtable forum discussions, the annual Financial Services Leadership Summit, and research focused on critical issues confronting the sector.

These network forums provide participants with confidential peer learning and opportunities to engage with professionals, regulators and policymakers.

The ViewPoints thought leadership produced by Tapestry Networks Inc., with EY’s participation, opens up the insights from network discussions to all, while maintaining participant and institutional confidentiality.

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