High-quality financial reporting increases investors’ confidence in the capital markets. As a firm, we play an important role in ensuring the vibrancy of the US and global capital markets.

Paul Beswick

Director of Accounting and Chief Accountant – Professional Practice, Ernst & Young LLP

Passionate about high-quality financial reporting and capital markets. Proud husband and father of three. Follows the Premier League. Collector of Legos. Enjoys watching all genres of movies.

Paul has extensive experience fostering high-quality reporting in the capital markets from his various leadership roles, both inside and outside of the firm. As the Chief Accountant at Ernst & Young LLP, Paul oversees consultations with clients and engagement teams in the US on complex accounting issues and development and issuance of firm publications on changes in accounting standards and other topics. Paul leverages his extensive experience as a standard setter and regulator to help clients and engagement teams produce high-quality financial statements for the use of investors in the capital markets.

Previously, Paul served as the EY Americas IFRS Leader and Deputy Chief Accountant – Professional Practice. Earlier in his career, Paul spent seven years at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including serving as the Chief Accountant. Paul also spent two years as a fellow at the Financial Accounting Standards Board.

How Paul is building a better working world

“I have worked directly with standard setters and regulators to make sure the information companies are required to communicate to investors is of the highest quality and provides all the relevant data to make informed decisions. When investors have better information, they can make more informed decisions and more efficiently allocate capital. This contributes to the betterment of society as a whole.”

Paul's latest thinking

What to know about accounting for cloud computing

Businesses that enter into cloud computing arrangements need to consider the appropriate accounting treatment for the costs incurred. Learn more.

23 Oct 2020 Paul Beswick
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