We're at a pivotal point for the planet and for the role of business. It's time to take stock and be courageous in reframing our collective future.

Ben Taylor

Partner, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young LLP

Innovative thought leader on the future of finance, sustainability and technology. Constantly learning, questioning. Fan of design, slightly obsessed with bicycles, music-lover, husband

Ben is helping to shape the impact we all want to make for a sustainable world. His mission is to bring the best of EY together to help our clients challenge their status quo, explore their role in the context of planetary boundaries and set and deliver ambitious targets. Leading on EY's overall technology and alliance strategy for sustainability.  

Working mainly in the Energy sector with clients helping them with the challenge of providing clean affordable energy for all, but also experienced in Telecoms and Technology sectors. Ben is an Advisor to Cambridge Judge Business School.

How Ben is building a better working world

“Society is demanding more of business. Responsible and sustainable business practices will be rewarded. In my work with clients, I am focused on how companies are setting out to communicate with a wider set of stakeholders on these issues. Their investments in their culture, society, their consumers, and in trustworthy and environmentally sustainable business practices are increasingly important to their corporate strategy and value. We are innovating around the use of data and analytics to help companies deliver, measure and report on all of these aspects.”

Ben’s latest thinking

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