How the energy transition is being impacted

In this episode, EY’s Chris Hagler welcomes Jules Kortenhorst and Klair White to discuss the factors in the transition to cleaner energy.

The International Panel on Climate Change has identified that we have approximately 10 years to reduce greenhouse gas emissions around the world by about 50%. With energy representing 70% of the global greenhouse gas emissions, we need to focus on a massive, substantial shift away from fossil fuels to lower carbon energy solutions.

Many rapidly changing factors are at play in the pursuit for cleaner energy and should be considered in an organization’s strategic approach to the energy transition.

In this episode, EY’s Chris Hagler welcomes Jules Kortenhorst, the CEO of Rocky Mountain Institute, and Klair White, Senior Vice President with EY’s Infrastructure Advisory Group, to discuss various factors in the transition to cleaner energy

Key Takeaways

  • Corporate efforts in the energy transition are driven by recognition of climate-change-driven risks, as well as their right to operate – how they engage with civil society.
  • As energy technology evolves, companies have an increased ability to manage their supply and demand of energy in a strategic way.
  • Cost of renewable energy continues to decrease, making de-carbonization good for the reputation of the company and its carbon objectives, while also good for the bottom line. However, there are still trade-offs involved in some decisions about addressing energy and climate change risks. Each company must decide on their own hierarchy of objectives.

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available.


Aug 2020


Season 2, Episode 4


21m 36s