How Finance can provide security in a world of uncertainty

In this episode of the Better Finance podcast, host Myles Corson welcomes Ken Tanji, Chief Financial Officer of Prudential.

Their conversation explores how Ken’s background as a treasurer and the skillsets needed for that role played a significant factor in setting him up for success as a CFO.

Prudential needs to be prepared for potential scenarios that may arise during their customers’ lifetime, which made them well-positioned to respond to major disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic. They have taken steps to model for other potential disruptions and their likely impact on the economy and financial markets.

They also discuss the important role that Finance plays in supporting organizational transformation, and how Prudential supports increased transparency and consistency in environmental, social and governance, or ESG, disclosures.

Key takeaways:

  • CFOs should communicate as clearly and simply as possible, simplifying complex issues to the main points for all stakeholders.
  • Technology investments can enable both a better customer experience and a more efficient way to operate, leading to cost savings by simplifying, automating and changing the way companies do business.
  • Take time to get your hybrid working arrangement right. There’s a lot to be gained in terms of productivity and employee satisfaction when employees feel empowered to design a hybrid model that works for them.

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available.


Sep 2022


Season 5, Episode 1


24m 39s

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