Ooi Lay Pheng

EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women™ Asia-Pacific Class of 2024
Group CEO and Executive Director, L&P Global Berhad and CEO, Berjayapak Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

Lay Pheng is the Executive Director and Group CEO of L&P Global Berhad and CEO of Berjayapak, a leading group of companies that creates integrated packaging solutions for multinational corporations. Headquartered in Malaysia, the group was established in 1984 and now has over 400 employees.

Lay Pheng took over the group, which was cofounded by her father, in 2015. At the time, the group was going through several obstacles. As a woman navigating a predominantly male industry, her leadership and aptitude had been subject to skepticism in the initial days. Furthermore, the packaging sector, despite its crucial role in the supply chain's downstream, has been overlooked and underappreciated. 

Yet, under her aegis, the group thrived and expanded its footprint to five locations in Malaysia and Vietnam. She has introduced several processes and played a key role in adopting state-of-the-art technology, such as automation and mechanization, to streamline the manufacturing system.

Lay Pheng is the winner of Sustainable Business Awards Malaysia 2020-21 for Supply Chain Management issued by Global Initiatives. She was also awarded Asia Leading SMEs by ACES in 2020 and Industry Excellence in Packaging by Penang Top Achiever in 2019. Lay Pheng was the EY Woman Entrepreneur of the Year 2021 — Malaysia.

Her strategic vision encompasses the expansion of the group's presence across Southeast Asia as well as elevating the market capitalization from MYR230 million to MYR1 billion.

Our vision is to create solutions to protect and move what matters around the globe. We inspire to expand our solutions to complement existing product portfolios and services in the areas of warehouse operations, storage and logistics distribution for the front and the back end of supply chain management.
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