We assist our clients in making important strategic decisions on a more informed basis in order to realize their visions.

Jacob Erhardi

Partner in Strategy and Transactions, sector focus on Life Science and Power & Utilities, EY Denmark

Experienced partner responsible for Valuation, Modelling & Economics. Assists clients with valuation, M&A as well as financial and strategic advice and teaches at CBS' board education.

Jacob is a Partner in Strategy and Transactions and is responsible for Valuation, Modelling & Economics in Denmark. For more than 18 years, he has assisted clients with valuation, M&A and financial and strategic advice.

Jacob’s primary focus areas are within:

  • Expert assessments and opinions
  • Tax and accounting-related valuations
  • Valuation of tangible and intangible assets
  • Transaction modelling

Jacob has worked as both party advisor and independent expert in litigation and disputes within different types of assets and corporate structures.

Jacob is primarily focused on Life Science and Power & Utilities, but has broad sector experience and has assisted Danish and foreign companies, PE funds, venture companies, as well as ministries.

For the past 5 years, he has been a lecturer in valuation and value creation at CBS' board education.

How Jacob is building a better working world

"I spend part of my time teaching at CBS' board education with the aim of giving Denmark more competent board members who can make a greater difference in the companies for which they have the strategic and operational responsibility."

Jacob's latest thinking

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