Evaluate and monitor provisions with EY EPIC

EY EPIC is an analytical tool developed by EY which brings you valuable insights into IFRS 9 impairments. The tool addresses the main challenges to proving adequacy of provisions, the adequacy of key risk parameters used in the expected credit loss calculation and facilitates understanding of staging dynamics.


What EY EPIC can do for you

EY EPIC flexibly allows for break-down to various sub-segments, risk categories, time periods, etc. to support identification of sources of any irregularities in trends or provisioning calculation errors.

Our solution covers quantitative validations and multifactor descriptive analyses applied to the expected credit loss (ECL) model.  EY has developed an analytical platform providing you with relevant insights and bringing practical benefits we present below.

Epic Dashboard

EY EPIC solution features and benefits

EY EPIC solution features and benefits

The LIC Solution® is able to export input for EY EPIC in the required format, so as to minimize your time and effort regarding data extraction, cleaning and/or manipulation. Moreover, EY consultants can import your data into an EY EPIC run in the EY IT environment immediately and interpret EY EPIC outcomes for you.

Furthermore, based on the knowledge that we have gained from market-wide IFRS9 implementations, our EY consultants can additionally perform an extensive IFRS9 impairment analysis and then present you with a comprehensive summary report.

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