How to complete Cyprus Corporate Income Tax Return?

Learn how to complete or review the Cypriot Corporate Income Tax Return.

EY WBL Programme Specifications:

This course is designed to guide you through completing or reviewing the Cypriot Corporate Income Tax Return (Form T.D.4.). You will be guided throughout each section of the corporate tax return, line-by-line, so as at the end of the course you will be able to clarify various requirements and how they may impact a Company’s reporting. This web-based learning provides an easy way for learners to access, revisit, and complete the course at the comfort of their desk and own pace. 


  • Have a basic understanding of taxes and the right enthusiasm to learn about the completion of the tax return


  • How to complete the corporate income tax return
  • The methodology of approaching the income tax return
  • Overview of each section of the corporate tax return (Form T.D.4.)
  • Tax Due or Refund considerations
  • Frequently asked questions

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify each section of the tax return and its relation to the financial statements
  • Complete each field as required by the Cyprus Tax Authorities and/or as per current practice
  • Describe what each section of the tax return requires and why it should be completed
  • Understand the key concepts of the Income Tax Return process;
  • Step-by-Step analysis of the Income Tax Return form;
  •  Identify the adjustments required as per the Company’s tax computation
  • Ensure that any available taxable losses are correctly utilised
  • Understand the final tax liability/refund which may arise

Course Includes:

  • 2 hour of on-demand video
  • 2 CPD's
  • Case study examples
  • 3-month access
  • Access on Mobile and Computer
  • A Follow-up 1-hour FAQs session is available to all enrollees
  • Certificate of completion


180 + VAT per course for each registered participant

Find out more about our discounts applying for buying both courses and group – entity registration.

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