
The impact of the US election on the global business environment

The Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce and EY are hosting a webcast on the impact of the US election on the global business environment.

With the Democrats back in the White House, the international business community is gearing up for possible revisions of Trump-era policies. While corporate tax hikes are on President-elect Biden’s agenda, companies can also look forward to a normalization of trade relationships with China, EU and potentially other trade deals. Promised investment in infrastructure, may make it easier to get goods and services to market. However, considerable uncertainty remains as to what President-elect Biden’s administration will be able to achieve no matter the outcome of the Senate races in Georgia.

As we stand at this critical juncture in history, Martin Naville, CEO of the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce will join Robin Errico, EY Partner and Chief Risk Officer, and other EY specialists to explore key questions for the international business community, such as:

  • What are the potential tax implications for the multinational entities that do business in the US? 
  • How will President-elect Joe Biden’s campaign tax pledges play out? 
  • How will supply chains and trade be affected?

Please click here to view the detailed agenda.

Just click on the right-hand site to watch the webcast on-demand.


EY Switzerland
Multidisciplinary professional services organization
Robin Errico
Partner, CRO, Corporate Responsibility Board Chair, Diversity & Inclusion Leader | EY Switzerland


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If you have any questions, please contact us

Loriana Horst | Telephon  +41 58 286 4315 | loriana.horst@ch.ey.com