
EY Regulatory Compliance Roundtable

​On this occasion, you will have the opportunity to discuss with your peers from the Romandie financial sector about the challenges arising from the following regulatory and compliance changes:

  • Third Country Branch requirement under CRD VI: latest development
  • Artificial Intelligence: opportunities and risks
  • Anti-money Laundering: updates in Switzerland and in the EU


Please find below the agenda of the event:

16:30 | Welcome and peer group introduction
16:45 | Roundtable discussion
18:15 | Wrap-up
18:30 | Apero Riche


Additional Information:

  • The language of the event will be French
  • This event is upon invitation only. If you're interested in participating, please contact us using the form at the bottom of the page


EY Switzerland
Multidisciplinary professional services organization
Silvia Devulder
Partner, Head Legal Romandie in Financial Services | EY Switzerland

Location EY Office, Place de Pont-Rouge 1, Petit-Lancy, Geneva, 1212, CH Open in maps

Time 16:30 - 18:30


If you have any questions, please contact us

Ellinore Forsell Mail