Marissa Steuns

EY Belgium Financial Services Internal Audit Senior Manager

Trusted advisor to the Management of financial sector firms, dedicated to support them in achieving their business objectives. Known for her enthusiasm and ‘people-first’ attitude.

Marissa has 10+ years of experience in Internal Audit in the financial sector and a strong background in the core Business, Compliance and IT processes of Belgian banking, insurance and wealth & asset management firms. She has a broad experience in the delivery of internal audit services to a wide range of financial institutions, including co-sourcing and outsourcing of internal audit missions/function, internal audit maturity/quality assessments and internal control testing.

Because of the highly changing environment in the financial sector with new technologies and regulations, Internal Audit needs to anticipate, be up-to-speed and aligned to the organization’s strategy more than ever.

Marissa’s mission is to support clients in achieving these objectives, by acting as a trusted advisor towards the Management.

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