Careers in Strategy and Transactions

Reimagine business eco-systems, reshape portfolios and help clients reinvent themselves for a better future. You’ll drive growth and value as a Connected Capital Advisor.

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Photo of Marc Guns

Our TAS teams help you navigate the complexity of transactions. We understand that every type of deal is different, and we can help you analyze what business to buy, how to value it and how to integrate it into your company. Being part of a major professional services organization allows us to serve our clients from the start with leading-class service.

Marc Guns, Managing Partner Strategy and Transactions EY Belgium


When applying at EY, you will have to make a choice for what kind of clients you would like to work for: starting your career within Financial Services Organization (FSO) or within what we call “Industries”.
FSO means you will work for Financial institutions such as banking & capital markets, insurance, asset management, pension funds, etc.

When you choose for “Industry clients’ you will work for all kind of sectors except Financial Institutions. So you may work for clients active in Transport, logistics, manufacturing, oil & gas, pharma, retail, service providers, etc.

Young Graduates - Industries

Coming soon

Strategy and Transactions in practice

Working in diverse, high-performing teams, Strategy and Transactions teams enable companies to accelerate their growth by advising on connected capital solutions: Strategy, Corporate finance, Buy and Integrate, Sell and Separate, and Reshaping Results. You can become a powerhouse of transactions knowledge and work across some of the most complex deals in the global market. You’ll drive growth and value as a connected capital advisor.

Transactions & Corporate Finance

EY-Parthenon (only Industries)

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