When all think alike, then no one is thinking (Walter Lippmann)

Ludovic Deprez

EY Belgium Financial Accounting Advisory Services Partner

Someone who enjoys/lives 8 days in a week in order to get a perfect balance between work, family, sport & party.

Ludovic joined EY as a financial auditor. Over the years, he has developed sector-specific knowledge (mainly real estate, retail and media & entertainment) and increased his knowledge in international accounting standards (mainly US GAAP & IFRS). Providing colleagues and clients with training improved his overall presentation skill set.

He followed several Vlerick programs which allowed him to gain insights in current and future business challenges (robotics, digitalization…). These topics are also touched upon during events organized under the Tomorrow’s Legacy flag; a community of young, future leaders built by EY and in which he is currently taking the lead.

He graduated from KU Leuven as an Applied Economist in 2007. He is chairman of Ekonomika Alumni, the KU Leuven Faculty of Business and Economics Alumni organization. Their aim is to bring alumni together,in cooperation with the Faculty and the student organization, in order to push personal development and networking.

How Ludovic is building a better working world

In his view, one of the most important ingredients for building a better working world is optimizing all available talent & skills worldwide (through development, sharing knowledge,…) in order to provide solutions for problems the world is going/will go through. It is therefore crucial to make sure everyone gets access to opportunities and that support (both financial as organizational) is provided.

In the past, Ludovic was part of the core team of the EY Kom Op Tegen Kanker initiative, that raised more than € 10.000 each year to support cancer research.

Ludovic's latest thinking

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