All the smarts we need to improve the lives of the most vulnerable already exist. It’s up to us to take action.

Sonia Sharp

Partner, People Consulting, EY Australia

Sonia is a Partner in EY’s Workforce Advisory Practice, as well as national lead on public service workforce and COVID 19 response and recovery.

Sonia dedicated over 30 years to public service, with 17 years as a senior executive in the UK leading education and child and family services, and most recently as Deputy Secretary in the Victorian government. Sonia is a Partner in EY’s Workforce Advisory Practice, as well as national lead on public service workforce and COVID 19 response and recovery.

Sonia provides bespoke advice to state and territory governments across Australia. She brings extensive experience in emergency planning and response, and has conducted post-implementation reviews to assist organisations in understanding how well they have managed their crisis response as well as how they can improve future practice.

Sonia has a wealth of experience in strategy development, performance improvement, organisational design, and complex system change.

How Sonia is building a better working world

I represent the needs of the Human and Social Services across our Consulting practice and my appreciation of public value means I provide objective and well evidenced advice, expressed in a way that is accessible and palatable to key stakeholders as well as practical to implement. I am complimented on my ability to bring a different perspective to tricky issues and am proud to bring my skillset to Government’s human and social services challenges.

I love early morning swims and starting each day refreshed to plunge into the biggest issues of the day ahead.

I understand government well and am a shrewd and strategic adviser who understands how to bring about change in large and complex systems with multiple internal and external stakeholders. 


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