I love collaborating closely with my clients to solve complex problems and co-design sustainable and consumer centric outcomes

Caitlin Francis

EY Oceania Diversity, Equity & Inclusiveness Leader; EY Oceania Health Partner.

Love to cook delicious vegetarian food for family and friends; cricket tragic; enjoying life in beautiful Sydney - live music, theatre, opera, amazing restaurants and stunning beaches.

EY’s Client Service Partner for NSW Health and Diversity, Equity & Inclusiveness Oceania leader.

Caitlin has over 25 years’ experience in advising government, private health insurers and providers in Health policy, strategy and large-scale program design, implementation and evaluation across the continuum of care.

Specific areas of knowledge and experience include: system management and commissioning; program and study design including the collection, management and analysis of a broad range of quantitative and qualitative data to inform effective decision making; and complex multi-stakeholder engagement.

Caitlin is a trained economist and chartered accountant with a Masters in Public Health.

How Caitlin is building a better working world

I am passionate about working with organisations to deliver sustainable outcomes that matter most to society and its citizens.

I do this by bringing a whole-of-system perspective combined with an in-depth understanding of the complex dynamics at play within the Australian health system. I harness my policy, transformation and financial skills to consistently bring strategic value to my clients.

Caitlin’s latest thinking

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