EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY-Parthenon can help
EY Long-term value teams can help you shape your strategy, drive transformation and measure progress in providing sustainable value through use of the WEF-IBC’s common metrics. EY leading role in developing the metrics means we’re uniquely placed to advise on their adoption and impact.
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Multiple agencies, research and analytics firms are issuing ratings and scores to evaluate companies’ exposure to ESG-related risks and readiness to handle ESG issues. These ratings and scores are all based on bottom-up evaluations of multiple factors and unique methodologies that align to investors’ long-term performance analytics. There are legitimate concerns about inconsistencies in how these ratings are conferred, their reliance on self-reporting2 and the proliferation of different ratings that companies need to subscribe to and monitor. Analysts, institutional investors and industry bodies are putting increasing weight on ESG scores despite these inherent flaws. We expect ratings to evolve rapidly and to coalesce around the well-established agencies. We also anticipate that ESG ratings, heretofore more skewed to “G” than “E” or “S,” will become more holistic and balanced.
So, how does the insurance sector fare relative to the average in the indices we tracked? Overall, the insurance industry performs slightly below the average across all industry sectors in terms of MSCI ratings (3-10% lower share among “leaders”) and S&P ESG (49% score vs. the total S&P average of 62%), as shown in Figure 2.