Ey Futurescapes

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning and the Future of Human-AI Collaboration

How are artificial intelligence and machine learning transforming the way businesses operate? How can we harness their potential to fuel economic growth, but also to ensure social well-being? Lazaros Polymenakos, Partner of EY Greece and Timos Sellis, Scientific Director of the "Archimedes" Research Unit of the Athena Research Center, explore together with Tassos Zachos and Dimitris Dimitriadis, the transformative possibilities, the opportunities, but also the ethical implications, of a tomorrow where humans and artificial intelligence will work closely together.

Σχετικά Θέματα

* Η σειρά podcast Futurescapes διαθέσιμη και στο Spotify.

Δείτε τα highlights του δεύτερου επεισοδίου στο YouTube


Tάσος Ζάχος

Editor in Chief Fortune Greece

Βασίλης Κάτος

Professor of Cybersecurity, Bournemouth University

Δημήτρης Δημητριάδης

Futurist - Advisor at Special Secretary of Strategic Foresight, Presidency of the Greek Government


Νοε 2023



54m 50s

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