EY pomaže klijentima da kreiraju dugoročnu vrednost za sve zainteresovane strane. Zahvaljujući podacima i tehnologiji, naše usluge i rešenja pružaju sigurnost i pomažu klijentima da se transformišu, rastu i razvijaju se.
U kompaniji EY, svrha poslovanja je stvaranje boljeg poslovnog okruženja. Uvidi i usluge koje pružamo doprinose stvaranju dugoročne vrednosti za klijente, ljude i društvo, kao i za izgradnju poverenja na tržištima kapitala.
Never underestimate the power of open and honest communication. When people trust you and identify themselves with you, it’s easier for them to follow you.
Dragana Varagic-Djokic
EY Serbia TAX Partner
Mother of two beautiful children. Job enthusiast – it’s easier to get your work done, when you enjoy and love doing it.
Dragana is Partner in Ernst & Young
Belgrade tax department with over 15 years of experience with our company.
Her particular area of expertise is corporate tax including international taxation and transfer pricing. Dragana participated in many tax advisory and M&А projects in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dragana has substantial experience in various industries with particular focus on financial sector and pharmaceutical industry.
She graduated Economy from University of Belgrade and completed Tax studies on University of Law in Belgrade.
How Dragana is building a better working world
"By communicating. XXI century has brought less personal, live communication, as the technology keeps developing and people tend to prefer to correspond via emails or texts. It is where the key to better working world lies – the limited time you have to engage in actual conversation with your colleagues has to be fully used and when they find it easy to talk to you in person, there are no communication limits nor obstacles".